Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame said in a telephone interview that this country has gone far too long without God. In his new book, he tells how to separate the lies of secularism from age-old truths of the Bible — and how to get our country back on the path founders intended us to walk.
Category: Politics
George Soros and his ‘rented evangelicals’ outed by Christian leaders
George Soros, it seems, has been up to his progressive pushing tricks, this time funding groups that want to make it seem like supporting Big Government is a good Christian duty.
A.I.-equipped police: They’re watching, they’re listening — they’re Big Brothering
Police around the nation are using artificial intelligence that helps them zero in on locations of gunfire. But at what constitutional cost? The technology requires listening and watching sensors to be placed in select spots in the community.
Title VII solution for social media censorship
Social media censorship has taken over the news cycle as one of the top concerns for conservatives, lawmakers and free speech advocates. One solution that doesn’t lead to government regulation of the free market and Internet? Amend Title VII civil rights laws to include the protection “political beliefs.”
This war on the Bible must stop
Today’s secularists would have it believed that the Bible has no business being shown or discussed in public. But that’s historical revisionism. And it must be stopped.
Donald Trump’s winning 2020 slogan: ‘I’m Not a Socialist’
The winning campaign slogan for the 2020 Republican presidential candidate? If it’s Donald Trump — and it will be — the winning slogan is this: “I’m Not a Socialist.”
Smart GOP candidates will stand by Trump
Republican candidates who are smart won’t run from President Donald Trump this campaign season, but rather embrace him.
Would, wouldn’t, whatever — now let’s move on
President Donald Trump walked back comments he made in Helsinki about Russia’s inteference in America’s elections. And now it’s time to move on and get busy with matters of governance.
Happy Fourth — the Wolves Are Inside the Gate
Founding Fathers would be a bit disappointed to learn all their hard work to form a republic was being tossed to the side in favor of socialism.
Democrats hate America — and here are the numbers to prove it
A new Gallup poll found that only 32 percent of Democrats say they are “extremely proud” to be an American.