
Leftist Leaders Tackle Trump Deportation Dream and Vow Sanctuary at All Costs

Left-leaning leaders like Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck have come out strong against Donald Trump’s campaign vow to deport illegals, and despite the fact both are in the business of upholding law and protecting the safety of citizens, they’ve issued blunt statements that say, in effect: We’re not going…Continue reading Leftist Leaders Tackle Trump Deportation Dream and Vow Sanctuary at All Costs

Donald Trump

The Christian Case for Donald Trump

So here we are at the 11th hour of this year’s presidential election, with the race for the White House being described as one of the most important decisions to determine the fate of the republic in recent, if not all-time, history. On one side, a political entrenched, Hillary Clinton, in all her pay-to-play glory.…Continue reading The Christian Case for Donald Trump