Virginia leaps into contact tracing technology

What starts as voluntary can quickly morph into mandatory. What begins as anonymous can quickly move into not-so-anonymous, and then shared, and then even more not-so-anonymous. It’s not a conspiracy that government collects data on citizens; it’s hardly a leap over logic to acknowledge that this government, during these chaotic coronavirus times, and already guilty of taking scores of unconstitutional crackdown steps under cover of protecting the health of the people — it’s not a leap to see how government could abuse these apps to obtain personal information on citizens. And then act on that information.

Contact tracing is here, and it’s even more frightening than imagined

Never mind former President Ronald Reagan’s warning of the most terrifying words in the English language — “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” The contact tracer’s is far worse: I’m from the government, and I’m here to quarantine you. This is the next step in the coronavirus fight; this is the path…Continue reading Contact tracing is here, and it’s even more frightening than imagined