He’s like Alzheimer’s meet mush-mind: There’s just no healing from that.
Month: August 2023
Zombie nation: Marijuana, Adderall and the destruction of America
The peril to society at-large is this, though: Both young and old are being conditioned to believe in the power of drugs.
That can’t bode well for a country that needs an educated, active, informed and committed patriotic population to keep individualism, not collectivism, as the driving force behind proper governance.
Heartbreaking erasure of women’s sports — of women — continues
The erasure of women’s sports is not a trend, or a short-term blip on the cultural front. It’s a long-term, carefully plotted and strategic maneuver to move society toward the next step toward global communism, and toward total government control.
Hillary’s deplorable laugh at Trump’s expense
Clinton, who once called out the nation’s sizable population of Trump-supporting, MAGA-loving, America First voters as a basket of deplorables, is the true deplorable. Yuk it up, Democrats. Time is short, and voters hate arrogance.
Trump’s indictments all the more reason to vote for him
Election 2024 is coming down to this: If Americans want a country where political opponents are crucified by the party in power, then vote Democrat. If Americans don’t — vote Trump. It’s rare to have an election where the platforms and positions are so clearly defined.
LISTEN! Bold & Blunt: Perils from across the pond
Former Brexit Party political candidate and patriot across the pond — Jim Ferguson in the United Kingdom — has this to say about the World Economic Forum and the fate of individual liberty around the world: “We are facing loss of freedoms. … What’s happening to the United States is happening to the United Kingdom and other countries as well.” And then we discuss how best to fight and win. Tune in.
FBI’s alarming targeting of Catholics as ‘potential terrorists’ grows more alarming
America’s religious liberty is the core freedom upon which all other freedoms rest. After all, this is a nation of individualism, where rights come from God and government, in the role of servant, exists to protect those God-given liberties.
If government thugs are scoping out the churches for enemies of the state, we don’t have an America any longer. We have a China.
‘In God We Trust’ makes a comeback
All roads lead to God. All that ails America can be traced back to a national turning from God. In a way, this clarifies the war and makes it a more focused fight: Put God first, and all these things will be given to you, as the Bible states.
Democrats and their futile targeting of Trump and patriotic America
Jack Smith is a man who enjoys pointing fingers and thunderously proclaiming wrongs and self-righteously swooping to attack. He doesn’t prosecute so much as persecute. And he draws joy from the mental image of cowering his victims in a corner and leaving them shaking and defenseless, frightened into utter obedience. That’s Christmas to him. You can tell that just by observing him. That makes him the man of the hour for Democrats. Smith has convinced a grand jury — which is to say he stood before a grand jury and opened his mouth — to go forward with a federal case against Trump for the crime, to put it concisely, of exercising his constitutionally protected, God-given right of free speech.