Democrats and their futile targeting of Trump and patriotic America

Donald Trump is right: “This was never supposed to happen in America.”

He made those remarks shortly after pleading not guilty to ridiculous charges drummed up by a wild-eyed, black-eyed prosecutor serving satanic overlords — and he’s right. America’s supposed to be better than this.

Presidents, past presidents and particularly, past presidents in the throes of seeking another presidency are not supposed to be the political targets of entrenched bureaucrats and anti-American forces. But this is where we’re at as a country. This is what we’ve become. 

This is where Democrats have led.

Show me a Democrat voter and I’ll show you a mentally deranged hater of America: that is what the party has become.

Jack Smith is a man who enjoys pointing fingers and thunderously proclaiming wrongs and self-righteously swooping to attack. He doesn’t prosecute so much as persecute. And he draws joy from the mental image of cowering his victims in a corner and leaving them shaking and defenseless, frightened into utter obedience. That’s Christmas to him. You can tell that just by observing him. That makes him the man of the hour for Democrats. Smith has convinced a grand jury — which is to say he stood before a grand jury and opened his mouth — to go forward with a federal case against Trump for the crime, to put it concisely, of exercising his constitutionally protected, God-given right of free speech. But in Democrat lingo, the indictments go like this: “Conspiracy to defraud the United States; witness tampering and conspiracy against the rights of citizens; and obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceedings,” as NPR wrote it. That sounds scary. And Smith does his best  to make it sound even scarier, calling out Trump’s free speech on January 6, 2021, as an “unprecedented assault” against the republic — which he doesn’t acknowledge as a republic, but that’s a different argument for a different day — and then going on to find the president guilty of “lies.”

Smith’s words: “It [meaning Trump’s free speech] was fueled by lies: Lies by the defendant targeted at obstructing a bedrock function of the U.S. government — the nation’s process of collecting, counting and certifying the results of the presidential election.” 

More Smith’s words: “[Trump] was determined to remain in power [to] spread lies that there had been outcome-determinative fraud in the election and that he had actually won.”

And even more Smith’s words: “These claims were false and the defendant [Trump] knew they were false, [yet] repeated and widely disseminated them anyway.”

Just for fun — Hey, Smith, Trump won the White House in 2020 but because Democrats committed outcome-determinative fraud, a.k.a. stole the election, America got stuck with the feckless puppet, Joe Biden. Gonna arrest and indict me, too? Hashtag MeToo. Jack has jail cells to fill, dontcha know.

Thing is, if Trump is guilty of that which Smith has indicted, then make way for the prosecutorial actions against Stacey Abrams. In 2018, she lost the Georgia governor’s race to incumbent Brian Kemp, but a year later, still claimed she had actually won — that the election, in effect, was stolen from her. She refused to concede. She and her Fair Fight Action group sued over that election. And they didn’t just sue; they sued big time, dragging out the cries about constitutional offense for four years. She lost — and now she and her defenders are busily gaslighting the country into believing there are no valid comparisons to be drawn with her protest of election results, and Trump’s. Whatever. That’s how Democrats do; they accuse of that which they themselves are guilty and they deny that which they have actually done.

Hillary Clinton and her whitewashed email server. Joe Biden and his secret stash of secret documents in his garage. Hunter Biden and his laptop. The list goes on — and on — and on.

Americans fully understand the hypocrisy of Democrats. And while Americans may have underestimated the utter evil of Democrats, and in past years, given passes and chalked things up to simple political differences — fact is, Americans are catching on. That was then; this is now. Americans have awakened to the awareness that Democrats, and their partners in the press and in the hallways of U.S. intelligence and in the offices of global governments — that they’re serving a god of darkness and moving rapidly and with strategic intent to destroy all that’s great about this country.

The indictments against Trump are this faction’s indictments against all that’s liberty. But guess what. It’s futile. It’s as futile as expecting Joe Biden to walk by himself and Kamala Harris to talk by herself.

“Donald Trump enjoys rising GOP primary poll numbers even with criminal charges,” NPR just wrote, post Smith attacks.

The rising favorability of Trump in the polls are the indictments of patriotic Americans against all that’s something wicked this way comes. Neither America, nor Trump, will budge.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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