A man pretending to be a woman — and who claims he’s been a woman for the last 20 years or so — blew up the woman’s powerlifting record in Canada, with a lift that was about 500 pounds more than any female in that nation’s history.
The heartbreaking erasure of women’s sports — of women — of the sex called female — goes on, all with the gleeful nodding of the very leftists who claim one of their core beliefs is to protect the fairer sex.
Girls, give up the dream of playing professionally and winning on talents and skills.
In today’s world, it ain’t gonna happen.
“Two days ago,” said April Hutchinson, a competitive powerlifter with the Canadian Powerlifting Union, in a video posted on X by the Independent Women’s Forum, “we saw a biological male literally crush the women’s Master’s powerlifting category by almost 500 pounds, taking away the national records; also, the second highest deadlift in powerlifting history.”
And leftists go: crickets.
“It’s so important to keep women’s and girl’s sports fair and safe,” she went on.
“Any woman, man or federation that supports men lifting or competing with women is part of the problem,” she went on.
“And they should be ashamed and they are literally helping erase women’s sports,” she went on.
But they’re not ashamed. Not even a little.
The man identifying as a woman in the Canadian Powerlifting Union’s 2023 Western Canadian Championship is named Anne Andres. And this isn’t his first go at taking on women in sports. He’s been breaking the female powerlifting records since 2020.
He can’t compete and win as a man, so he chooses to identify as a woman in hopes of stealing the fame of females.
And he does so all under the cheerful grins of leftists who are only too willing to throw women under the bus so long as it advances their wicked agenda that, at root, is all about rebelling against God.
God created humans — male and female, both, He created them.
God created male and female, both, in His image.
God also created families, with boys and girls born to men and women — more specifically, born to husbands and wives.
This is what the left cannot stand: rules and boundaries.
The erasure of women’s sports and of women as a sex is all about the left’s uprising against God, godly virtues and biblical teachings; it’s all about the destruction of the norm, and of moral behaviors, so as to usher in utter chaos. Chaos is where the Democrats do their best work; chaotic systems allow for leftists to advance their big government designs because they can swoop in and claim to have the solution that ails a chaotic society.
The erasure of women’s sports is not a trend, or a short-term blip on the cultural front. It’s a long-term, carefully plotted and strategic maneuver to move society toward the next step toward global communism, and toward total government control.
By wiping out family, leftists wipe out one of the main ways children are taught and trained in the proper ways to go; by wiping out women, leftists can reduce the concept of female sex to one of birthing pod.
Women will become the bearer of children for the state to control.
The field of sports is just one battleground for leftists to accomplish this greater goal.
• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.