CHLOE … a novel …

A new book from Cheryl Chumley, about the power of God’s grace …

From the Amazon description: “Chloe stepped from the school bus into the snowy slush of the sidewalk, flipped her backpack around her shoulders and let loose a string of curse words as her strap broke and books and papers spilled onto the wet ground. “Well now, little child, that’s some vocabulary you’ve got there. But tell me, do you need some help?” The voice boomed in Chloe’s ear, and she gazed in wonder into eyes that oddly danced and flashed sparks of white and gold. For a moment, she forgot about rushing home to her angry, alcoholic mother and instead stood still, breathing in deep the sudden scent of vanilla enveloping her. A smile broke from her lips and she very nearly giggled. “I’m Mr. Xander,” he said, reaching for her hand with long, large fingers. So began a strange chain of events following Chloe into adulthood as she traveled down dark roads and strayed into shadowy spots, searching for what she knew not in her childhood and so had no idea how to identify and obtain in her maturing years—the grace, love and acceptance of God. But can she leave the darkness for the light? It’s a question all sinners must wrestle with and in the end, the only real answer is this: God does indeed work in mysterious ways.”

What others are saying …

“The stories of Chloe’s People are gritty enough to resonate with the unbeliever, and biblically inspired enough to touch the heart of the believer, with the end result being a powerful cultural tool to advance the glory of God and His message of redemption.” — Mike Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas and host of Huckabee on TBN

“One of a Christian’s biggest challenges is to reach out with compassion and love to those who seem unlovable. Chloe tells a sad but realistic story of how people can become an ‘unlovable’ in the first place, and in the end, gives readers who are already saved by Christ an eye-opener in how to better share the gospel with those who are not.” — Troy Miller, CEO National Religious Broadcasters

“Sometimes fiction is able to communicate truth to a general audience better than Truth itself. In Chloe, Cheryl Chumley uses this vehicle to drive home some truth that especially parents of daughters and church leaders should read.” — Cal Thomas, syndicated columnist

“A fast-moving fictional story of a little girl’s challenges, Chloe carries a powerful non-fiction punch: how God saves even those who seem beyond saving.” — Sam Sorbo,actress and host of The Sam Sorbo Show

“Cheryl Chumley has established herself as one of the top non-fiction writers in America. With Chloe, she is about to conquer the world of fiction. What a powerful, well-crafted story.” — Todd Starnes, host of Todd Starnes Show and author of Twilight’s Last Gleaming

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